Prayer update / July prayer letter
Thank you so much for praying for the 41 Campus Crusade Associates currently on trial in Asia. The government has broken them into three groups based on who they believe the leaders were. This is encouraging because it is a sign those arranging the trial are looking for truth. The hearings will continue into August.
Please keep praying for these men and woman. Also please pray specifically that the trial would not cause riots (pressuring the government for conviction or the death penalty).
The last month has been full of religious persecution hurting people around the globe. It reminds us what an honor it is to be apart of God’s movement of the gospel. I am ready for Jesus to return! It also reminds me how badly we need you prayers. Thank you for standing with us. I believe your prayers have an eternal impact.
Please download our prayer letter to see our prayer requests and celebrate the 1000th translation of the JESUS film!
Marc and Evangeline Vergo
Urgent Prayer Request / June Prayer Letter
Happy Fourth of July!
We have an urgent prayer request for you. 41 Campus Crusade associates are on trial this month in Asia. For security reasons, that is all I can tell you. Please pray for their safety and for God to miraculously lay it on the judge’s heart to set them free.
They have asked us to pray specifically that:
- God will fill their hearts with the joy of the Lord and His peace that surpasses all understanding, while they remain in prison.
- God will continue to use them inside the prison, as He has already, for the salvation of many more souls. He is doing mighty things!
- The word of the Lord in Luke 21:13-15 “It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony for I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute,” will become true when the trial starts.
- The judges will be overcome with a deep sense of righteousness, justice and fear of the Lord.
It is a fitting reminder of how grateful Evangeline and I are for political and religious freedom. Please check out our prayer letter to find out how you can pray for us this summer. We are busy with great ministry opportunities and your prayers are absolutely invaluable to us.
With love,
Marc and Evangeline