Marc and Evangeline Vergo

The Ministry of Marc and Evangeline Vergo

About Our Ministry

Marc and Evangeline

We are blessed to see God move and are constantly reminded how much we need your prayers. Thank you for partnering with us to give every person on earth a chance to know Jesus.

I work on the computer services team at world headquarters as the Chief PeopleSoft Architect and a network engineer. The 26,000 full-time staff members of Campus Crusade are currently in 191 countries in the world (which is 73 more countries than McDonald’s!). It is a huge task to ensure that each of these missionaries can communicate with headquarters and their ministry partners. My job is to provide the technological resources necessary to support staff all over the world. By doing so, I accelerate the great commission and glorify God.

I am excited about using my writing skills and experiences to serve God in Orlando. As a member of the Global Media Communications team (which serves all of Campus Crusade’s 33 ministries), I ensure vital information is communicated to missionaries and convey stories of what God is doing around the world through the Web site. Every 60 seconds someone indicates a decision to become a Christian on a Campus Crusade for Christ Web site, so I am honored to be a part of this ministry. Also I have a passion for women’s ministry and co-lead (in)Common Women.

Together we have a lot of passions beyond our normal jobs as missionaries. Marc has almost ten years of experience as a professional illusionist and won 1st place twice at the Florida State Magic Convention. So you can often find us performing at outreaches as well as speaking or leading retreats, projects and conferences. We also love telling people how they can know God and are involved in helping teach other people how to share their faith.

Would you please consider joining with us? We currently need prayer and financial partners. If you would like to learn more about our ministry, please e-mail us or call (407) 575-3867.