Marc and Evangeline Vergo

The Ministry of Marc and Evangeline Vergo

February update, Valentine’s Day, Super Bowl madness and more!

Filed under: Prayer Letters — Marc at 1:06 am on Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thank you so much for praying for us. Our February prayer letter is fun to send because each February Evangeline writes a love story. Not the chick-flick kind. But a narrative of what we have seen God do in one person’s life this year. I pray Amy’s story is as encouraging to you as it is to us.

Oh, and I couldn’t forget the Super Bowl. Read more about Beyond the Ultimate, an outreach based on Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith’s incredible stand for Jesus. Already 1,368 people have indicated a decision for Christ on the Web site Check it out and pass the word on. You don’t want to miss Tony’s incredible testimony given right after his son committed suicide.

In Christ,

Marc Vergo

November Prayer Letter Update!

Filed under: Prayer Letters — Marc at 10:09 am on Sunday, December 10, 2006

We thank God for you!

Over Thanksgiving Evangeline and I took time to be thankful for the last year. We have been blessed in so many ways, from religious freedom to great relationships. Stories like a staff member in Nepal, challenge me to remember how important it is everyone has an opportunity to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Read more about Lazarus’s brave work with Nepalese untouchables in this month’s prayer letter. Thank you for joining with us so that the gospel can touch everyone.

Would you please consider giving an end-of-the-year financial gift?

As we look ahead to next year we have some exciting opportunities: mentoring college students by leading a summer project, telling people about God’s love and plan through illusion (magic) outreaches, and receiving training at the all-staff conference to name a few. We are looking forward to what God has in store!

As we look ahead to next year we have some exciting opportunities: mentoring college students by leading a summer project, telling people about God’s love and plan through illusion (magic) outreaches, and receiving training at the all-staff conference to name a few. We are looking forward to what God has in store! These opportunities will require extra funding beyond our monthly support and we realize December can be a great time to give a special gift. If you can give, please visit to donate online and type Vergo in the search box. If you have any questions, would prefer a giving envelope, or just want to talk, please call (407-575-3867) or e-mail me. (If possible, please use a checking account to donate as 3 percent of all credit card donations go to the credit card company.)

We appreciate each prayer and gift you send. Thank you!

Marc Vergo

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