Marc and Evangeline Vergo

The Ministry of Marc and Evangeline Vergo

Celebrating Milestones: October Prayer Letter

Filed under: Prayer Letters — Marc at 10:29 pm on Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This fall Evangeline and I are both celebrating birthdays, 5 years of marriage and 4 years as missionaries! As we look back we can see God blessing us over and over. Many times God has moved through your prayers. Thank you.

As we look forward, we are grateful to know you are interceding for us. We are excited to find out what God has planned ahead. Please read our prayer letter to read about 4 ways we would love you to be praying for us.

With blessings,

The court will decide the verdict tomorrow for the 41 imprisoned Christians!

Filed under: Prayer Letters — Marc at 12:23 pm on Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thank you for praying for the 41 Campus Crusade associates on trial in Asia. The court will decide tomorrow what the verdict will be. Our friends in Asia are calling for 30 minutes of prayer together around the world at 9 p.m. EDT tonight, (Wednesday, Sept 5) which is 9 a.m. Thursday morning in Asia.

Please pray for this final decision.

Here is an update on the trial:

The defense presentation by our lawyers went very well according to those who were present. There were only a few radical elements present this time. An appeal for women to be immediately released was made. Our friends inside were also encouraged by the clear and strong defense presented.

At the conclusion of the day, the judges set September 6 for their decision to be handed down.

The judges are fearful of backlash if they release these believers. Please pray they will have courage to do what they know is right. And pray against riots or retaliation murders of other Christians.

In essence, please pray Thursday will be peaceful and that God will protect these imprisoned believers physically and spiritually.

These men and women are powerful reminders of why Campus Crusade for Christ and Evangeline and I need your prayers. Thank you for partnering with us and praying for us. For more prayer requests, please read our prayer letter.

In Christ,


Prayer update / July prayer letter

Filed under: Prayer Letters — Marc at 9:58 pm on Monday, July 30, 2007

Thank you so much for praying for the 41 Campus Crusade Associates currently on trial in Asia. The government has broken them into three groups based on who they believe the leaders were. This is encouraging because it is a sign those arranging the trial are looking for truth. The hearings will continue into August.

Please keep praying for these men and woman. Also please pray specifically that the trial would not cause riots (pressuring the government for conviction or the death penalty).

The last month has been full of religious persecution hurting people around the globe. It reminds us what an honor it is to be apart of God’s movement of the gospel. I am ready for Jesus to return! It also reminds me how badly we need you prayers. Thank you for standing with us. I believe your prayers have an eternal impact.

Please download our prayer letter to see our prayer requests and celebrate the 1000th translation of the JESUS film!

Marc and Evangeline Vergo

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